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This slug repellent will help save your plants.

Updated: Aug 22

snail on a leaf

Hi everyone, have you been frustrated by slimy pests that creep, all through the night…devouring your lovely plants. Yes, slugs and snails. Well, be frustrated no longer as I have written this blog post just for you.

I have been wondering for a while, how to stop these slugs and snails from eating my Hosta plants. What is the best slug repellent... I know that birds eat the slugs and snails and I don’t want to use chemicals that will harm the birds.

leaves eaten by slugs

I have tried several different things including Vaseline around the pots but this didn’t seem to make any difference. They just found a way around it. I also tried grit around the plants on top of the soil hoping that the rough sharp texture of it would put them off, but nope, that also failed to stop these slippery plant eaters.

But I had a breakthrough with a slug repellent when I found out that slugs and snails don’t like garlic because of a chemical it contains called allicin. Allicin is what gives garlic it’s distinctive smell. It is also something that they can’t eat.


So here is the solution, a garlic spray. Grab two whole garlic bulbs and boil them in 2 litres of water until they're super soft. Crush up the cloves with a fork or the flat side of a kitchen knife, then strain away everything all the bits and pieces, until you are left with a garlic-smelling liquid. Let it cool down, then pour it into a bottle.

When you're ready to use it, mix two tablespoons of the garlic water with 5 litres of water. Pour it over your Hosta's leaves with a watering can, or use a spray bottle. You can opt for a DIY bottle or you could use one of these lovely Bee Misters. It is best done in the afternoon when the plant is dry. This garlicky mix helps keep pests away, but you need to do this regularly, once a week should do the trick.

Here are the ingredients you'll need:

  • 2 whole garlic bulbs

  • 2 litres of water for boiling

  • 5 litres of water for mixing

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